Sunday, September 1, 2019

10 great Indian invention and discoveries

India is a great country. It is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. It has a great history and rich in culture. India is rich in science and technology from ancient times.

10 great Indian invention and discoveries for which we should salute India-

                      1. Zero - discovered by Aryabhata

                      2. Shampoo

                      3.Natural fibers

                      4. Cataract surgery - by Sushruta an Indian physician

                      5. Buttons

                      6. USB(universal serial bus) - Invented by an Indian-American computer architect Ajay V. Bhatt

                      7. Chess

                      8. Wireless communication - Discovered by Jagadish Chandra Bose in 1895. Marconi was not the first who gave a similar demo as well as JC Bose exactly after 2 years later in England.

                      9. Flush toilet

                     10. Yoga.

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